It is imperative to make sure the Lord is in everything that I do. Without His blessing, I will fail.
Except the Lord Builds the house, they labor in vain who builds it. – Psalm 127:1
Are You Listening?
Am I too busy to hear from God what His plan is for me? Yes, I know that right now, I am to serve Him with 40 hours a week over the next 90 days, but after that?
I can start asking Him now what He wants me to do. I can begin seeking His will and plan now so that I am more prepared at the end of this 90-day challenge. My desire is to only be in God’s will for my life. I just want to find out what His plan is and do it!
What is the ‘secret to success’?
For me, it is walking in line with the Word of God, praying, and listening to the Holy Spirit. Listen to what the Spirit of God says to do and then do it! Believe the Word, pray in other tongues, and be obedient to what God tells me to do.
“When you get down on your knees and find out for yourself what His plans are – because He will put His approval and His blessings on His plans – it works so much better. It will almost work like clockwork.” – Kenneth Hagin, Sr.
Do I have a Part?![lady too busy to hear from God](
I must get God’s plan for me from Him. I have to pray it through. Only then is it blessed and will run smoothly. There will be times that great forces of evil will come against me in prayer. I will have to pray through them, stay the course. Sometimes I will have to pray and wait on God to find out what His plans, purposes, and pursuits are for me. I have to find out what God’s plan is for my life and our ministry.
I know that Gary is called to the ministry, but I need to know how I’m to help him. To learn what my part is in it. While I wait on the Lord, I just obey what He is telling me to do right now.
When you do what God wants you to do, you are able to cast all of your cares on Him, and the task will not be a burden because the Grace of the Lord is there for you to do what He wants you to do. If it is His plan, He will supply all of your needs.
I Am Only Human!
On this earth, I am limited. I remind myself that I am only human. And trying to do everything for everyone will only tire me out. God does not want me to be Super Woman. He has a definite plan and a specific anointing for me, and I need to find what that is and give it to Him. I am not to try and do everything just because I can.
For many years, I could not say ‘no’ to people. And if I were to be honest with myself, I still struggle with saying no a lot of the times. I always felt bad for saying no, especially if it was something that I was capable of doing. I love helping people, and so when I got the chance to help someone, I did. Now, it is not a bad thing to help someone, but if it costs me my health because I am too run down to help myself or my family, then it is a bad thing.
Once I get His plan, I must wait for the right time to implement it. Wait for the quickening of the Holy Spirit to release me to do what I am supposed to do.
Like right now – I know that I am to work these next 90-days, pray daily, do my devotions, and draw closer to God. After that, I am unsure of what I am to do next. But that is not my focus right now!I must wait on Him.
Take it One Step at a Time
God does not provide a flashlight for our path but a lamp unto our path! The reason is that He wants us to trust Him step by step, little by little. He does not want us to run too far ahead of Him.
Taking the next 90 days is doing precisely that. Step by step, little by little. I know that God will teach me and show me more of what I am to do. He will guide me stop by step into the next stage. I trust Him and have faith that I am doing what He wants me to do right now, at this particular time in my life.
When the Lord tells me to do something, I have to pray and seek Him on the ‘how to.’ Once I get God’s plan, and I follow it, it is vital that I learn the rest of the plan from Him.
For we who believed do enter into rest… – Hebrews 4:3
The blessed rest provided in the Gospel is for obedient believers!
My Prayer:
Father, help me to press in to You to know what Your will is for me. Help me Holy Spirit to be obedient to that calling. Give me ears to hear and eyes to see so that I won’t stray from the path You have given to me. Make my desires, and my will line up with Yours.
In Jesus’ name, I receive, Amen