Wisdom is one of the areas that I have been seeking the Lord in and asking for. When God asked Solomon what he wanted, it was wisdom above everything else that he could have asked for. The wisdom is what helped Solomon to become one of the wealthiest men in all of history.

I know that it is wisdom that I must seek, not just for wealth but also for every area in my life. As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and in business. God says in His Word that all I need to do is ask!

But if any of you lack in wisdom, let him ask from God, Who giveth to all liberally, and unaraidth not: and it will be given him.     – James 1:5

In the footnotes in the Worrell New Testament Bible, Worrell says, “‘lacking in wisdom’ is to make the most of one’s opportunities, and to do the best thing, at all times.”

Doing the best thing at all times! That is a tall order but I believe that if I have Godly wisdom, then I can make the best decisions according to what God has for me.

God is all-knowing. He knows the beginning and the end so doesn’t it make sense and is logical that He knows the middle too.

A New Perspective

enormous train in the desert

I like to use that analogy of a train and a plane.

Imagine you were flying on a plane and you looked down and you saw a train riding along its tracks. Even though the train was very long and had many cars, from the plane, you were able to see the entire thing, from beginning to the end.

Now the people standing at the train station on the ground or waiting in their car as the train passed, were only able to see only a small part of the train as it passed by them. They eventually saw the entire train, but they had to be patient as that only saw a little portion of the train at a time.

That is how God is. He sees time from beginning to the end and everything in between. We are only able to see a tiny bit of time: yesterday, today, tomorrow, and whatever plans we have made in the future such as a vacation. However, God sees it all and depending on OUR decisions that we make, will depend on the path our lives take.

Fortunately, if you gain wisdom and you ask God for wisdom on doing the right thing all the time, then He will guide your path, making it what He has designed it to be. And His way is a far cry better than anything that you or I could do in our own wisdom.

My Prayer:

Father, I pray for wisdom that Your Word says that I can have. I have the faith that You will give it to me freely! I trust You completely for all decisions in my life. Give me the wisdom to do the right thing at all times. 

In Jesus name, I receive, Amen